Tiny Tykes Ducklings

Rostraver Public Library 700 Plaza Drive, Belle Vernon, PA, United States

Children ages 3 and under meet in the library for stories, songs, and activities. This registration will secure your spot in the Tadpoles group through August. *We will only meet ONCE a month in June, July, and August on the 1st Wednesday of the month. Stories & activities will be […]

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Milestone PA Storytime

Murrysville Community Library 4130 Sardis Road, Murrysville, PA, United States

Adults with intellectual disabilities are invited to join us at the library for stories and a craft. Please register in advance. Adults must be accompanied by a caregiver. Register online at www.murrysvillelibrary.org or call the library at 724-327-1102. Registration Required.

Overeaters Anonymous

Rostraver Public Library 700 Plaza Drive, Belle Vernon, PA, United States

New members welcome. Join the group for lifetime support with no fees or diets.

Books and Blocks

Penn Area Library 2001 Municipal Court, Harrison City, PA, United States

Join Ms. Pat and Ms. Debbie for a story time for toddlers on Thursday mornings. Registration Required.

Adult Craft Night!

Rostraver Public Library 700 Plaza Drive, Belle Vernon, PA, United States

Come to the library and enjoy a fun evening out while creating something seasonal to enjoy for years to come. We will supply the materials needed. Donations are always welcome. Registration Required.

The Book Report

Adams Memorial Library 1112 Ligonier Street, Latrobe, PA, United States

Miss Karen loves books, and she loves talking about them with you! Along with her friends Dandelion, Bryony, Diantha, & Rosie. Miss Karen will talk about some stories that she enjoys and that you might too. To see the videos, please visit our Storytime & Wee Read page on our […]

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Garden Days (Ages 2-5)

Rostraver Public Library 700 Plaza Drive, Belle Vernon, PA, United States

Welcome to Rostraver Library Garden Days! Join us to hear a story and plant flowers in our library patio garden. This year, registration for each Garden Day is separate. Huge thanks to Sesar Industrial - The Sesar Family for sponsoring our planting day. Registration Required.

Garden Days (Ages 6+)

Rostraver Public Library 700 Plaza Drive, Belle Vernon, PA, United States

Welcome to Rostraver Library Garden Days! Join us to plant vegetables and flowers in the library patio garden. This year, registration for each Garden Day is separate. Huge thanks to Sesar Industrial - The Sesar Family for sponsoring our planting day. Registration Required.

Chair Yoga

Rostraver Public Library 700 Plaza Drive, Belle Vernon, PA, United States

Chair yoga is a gentle form of yoga that can be done sitting on a chair or standing on the ground while using the chair for support. Cost is $15.00 per session - Payable cash, Venmo or PayPal due at the time of attendance. CALL THE LIBRARY TO REGISTER AT […]

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Song and Rhyme Time

Adams Memorial Library 1112 Ligonier Street, Latrobe, PA, United States

You can still enjoy songs and rhymes with Miss Karen even if you can’t come to the library. Watch for new videos to sing along! To follow along, please visit our Storytimes & Wee Read page on our website, Youtube page, or Facebook page.

Pittsburgh Puppet Works

Adams Memorial Library 1112 Ligonier Street, Latrobe, PA, United States

PPW is putting on a production of “ A Bee C’s Dee!” In this reading-themed show, Bumble the Bee learns all the alphabet, with sillies, songs and more! This program is held at CDT and requires registration. Registration Required.

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