POSTPONED TO FRIDAY – Fluttery Butterfly Storytime and Release

Murrysville Community Library 4130 Sardis Road, Murrysville, PA, United States

The Butterfly Storytime and Release has been moved to Friday, July 12. If you already have a reservation, it is not necessary to re-register. Registration Required.

RPL Book Club

Rostraver Public Library 700 Plaza Drive, Belle Vernon, PA, United States

Readers gather each month to discuss that month's pick. Books are available at the library.

Crochet & Knitting Circle

New Alexandria Public Library Keystone Plaza, New Alexandria, PA, United States

Our group is open to all skill levels. We work on our own projects, share our projects and learn from each other. We do this while all having a good chat. never tried crochet and knitting before, no worries we have a small supply of materials to try it out!

Pop-Up Ceramics Art with WMAA

Murrysville Community Library 4130 Sardis Road, Murrysville, PA, United States

Westmoreland Museum of American Art is bringing art into the library! Ceramics artist Amy Roadman will lead a class on ceramics for adults. She will conduct a demonstration, then each participant will create a hand-built textural floral sculpture or bowl. Items will be glazed and fired off-site, and then picked […]

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STEM Craft

Adams Memorial Library 1112 Ligonier Street, Latrobe, PA, United States

STEM is for everyone! This craft is for children ages 8 & up and requires registration. To register, please stop by the Children's Room or call 724-537-4383! Registration Required.

Musical Storytime

New Alexandria Public Library Keystone Plaza, New Alexandria, PA, United States

Come enjoy a story with Mr. Rick about music! He will then have fun music related activities for us all to enjoy.

Overeaters Anonymous

Rostraver Public Library 700 Plaza Drive, Belle Vernon, PA, United States

New members welcome. Join the group for lifetime support with no fees or diets.

Pittsburgh Puppet Works

Adams Memorial Library 1112 Ligonier Street, Latrobe, PA, United States

In “Inky’s Library Mystery,” Inky and his pal Albert have a thrilling adventure as they attempt to solve the Mystery of the Purrsburgh Library! This program is held at Caldwell Memorial Library and requires registration. To register, stop by Caldwell Memorial Library or call 724-694-1401 ext. 3110! Registration Required.

Wee Read

Adams Memorial Library 1112 Ligonier Street, Latrobe, PA, United States

Designed for children birth to 2½ years old & their caregivers. It combines songs, rhymes, and books for a fun and engaging early literacy experience. The same Wee Read session is repeated each week. This program requires registration. To register, please stop by the Children's Room or call 724-537-4383! Registration […]

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Campfire Crafts

Murrysville Community Library 4130 Sardis Road, Murrysville, PA, United States

Join us for nature inspired crafts. Grades K-6th. Register online at or call the library at 724-327-1102. Registration Required.

“Bugs and Buds”

Rostraver Public Library 700 Plaza Drive, Belle Vernon, PA, United States

Bugs are amazing creatures! Find out what makes a bug a bug, and the important role they have in growing our favorite flowers, fruits and veggies. Registration Required.

Books and Blocks

Penn Area Library 2001 Municipal Court, Harrison City, PA, United States

Join Ms. Pat and Ms. Debbie for Books and Blocks at 11:30 in our community room! Registration Required.